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Notable Admin
Feb 20, 2019
What to Expect from a Chemical Peel
In the heart of winter, our skin can really feel the effects of the cold temperatures. We often are ready to slough off the old, and...

Notable Admin
Jan 24, 2019
So many products, so little time! Wondering where to start?
We often get asked by patients: Why do I actually need all of these creams? Can’t I just use one? While the answer is yes, yes you can....

Notable Admin
Dec 14, 2018
Dry hands got you down?
Here in Ohio, winter is in full effect. Not only do we feel the effects in our skin all over, but for many our hands particularly take a...

Notable Admin
Nov 12, 2018
Is a Dry and Itcy Scalp Causing You Problems?
What can I do about my itchy dandruff?! Many patients come in with the complaint of itching and flaking on the scalp. When I examine...

Notable Admin
Oct 15, 2018
What is the difference between a laser vs. IPL?
I often will see people in consultation for cosmetic concerns who have experienced previous light based treatments. Unfortunately, when...

Notable Admin
Oct 1, 2018
What is PRP?
Many of my patients are only vaguely familiar with PRP because apparently it was featured by one of the Kardashians receiving a Vampire...

Notable Admin
Sep 17, 2018
Scarring Treatment Options
As a dermatologist, I am often asked how to prevent and treat scars by patients and friends. As a sister, I have seen firsthand how skin...

Notable Admin
Aug 24, 2018
5 Tips on Prepping your Skin for Fall and Winter
We are approaching the end of summer and living in Ohio this means less humidity and warmth in the air. How can these changes affect our...

Notable Admin
Jul 16, 2018
No Sweat Solutions
Don’t sweat it! Your skin is the largest organ in the body and plays many important roles, such as protection from extremes of...

Notable Admin
Jul 9, 2018
Curious about CoolSculpting?
In todays cosmetic world, there seems to be a new treatment for fat loss around every corner. Beauty magazines are filled with new...

Notable Admin
Jul 9, 2018
What is Phytophotodermatitis?
Lime and Sun? Better let us handle that! It’s still summertime, and hopefully we are all taking care of our skin by using sunscreens and...

Notable Admin
May 21, 2018
How Important is Sunscreen Brand and SPF Rating?
With summer rapidly approaching, it’s the time of year when we are commonly asked: “What sunscreen should I be wearing?” This question...

Notable Admin
Apr 30, 2018
CO2 Laser Resurfacing: Fractional vs. Fully Ablative
I frequently get asked during cosmetic consultations what is the difference between the fully ablative CO2 laser resurfacing and the...

Notable Admin
Mar 30, 2018
The Biggest Skin Care Mistakes to Avoid
One of the biggest questions I get asked from patients is “how do I get skin that looks like yours?” My response is “a solid skin care...

Notable Admin
Mar 30, 2018
Getting to the Bottom of Acne
“Awesome! I have a new zit,” said no one ever. Seeing a new blemish can often create a lot of stress and anxiety for patients. The good...

Notable Admin
Mar 5, 2018
Are Your Skin Conditions Being Triggered by Your Diet?
You are what you eat– or are you? The skin is the largest organ in the body and what you eat can have a role in the appearance of your...

Notable Admin
Feb 6, 2018
Preparing for your Yearly Skin Exam
It’s Mole Patrol Time! “I’ve got a mole WHERE?!” This is a common phrase uttered during full body skin exams. Sure, skin exams might seem...

Notable Admin
Jan 8, 2018
Are You Comparing Apples to Apples When It Comes To Cosmetic Procedures Such As Botox Or Kybella?
In just the past week or so, I have been asked by both a relative of mine from Indiana as well as a patient about the cost comparison of...

Notable Admin
Jan 5, 2018
Pimples: can I pop them?!
It’s official, 2017 was the year of the pimple. Blackheads, dilated pores, and cysts have “exploded” to become one of the internet’s...

Notable Admin
Dec 22, 2017
Why Bring the O-Shot into a Dermatology Office?
I have recently been asked by both my staff and patients why we would bring the O-Shot to help enhance feminine sexual pleasure and...

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