Michael McKelvey, MD

I grew up in a small Appalachian river town in southeast Ohio. My parents were both teachers, and helped instill within me small-town values: the importance of family, the value of education, and the morality to take care of one another. Medicine called to me early, as a person that wanted to make a difference in people's lives and as a lover of science and technology. I never strayed from that path.
After graduating high school as valedictorian, I attended Miami University for my undergraduate degree in microbiology. Little was I to know how important that base of knowledge in molecular biology, genetics, physiology, and the epidemiology of infectious diseases would be as we navigated the COVID-19 pandemic. In 1998, I graduated, receiving Summa Cum Laude honors.
Medical School at the Ohio State University College of Medicine came next. Never have I worked harder, but never have I had a more fun and enriching experience. Working with like-minded students and brilliant educators, and getting first-hand experience in all of the different fields of medicine helped focus my sights on the field of dermatology. I loved the variety. With the skin, we can see basic science and physiology in action as we learn to read the microscopic histology of our biopsy specimens. Yet the practice was still people focused. I get to see everything from newborns to the elderly, and developing a strong doctor-patient relationship is vitally important to providing optimum care. I still get to work with my hands as well. The variety of surgical procedures that we perform, from surgical excision to laser therapies, continues to be one the of the most challenging and rewarding parts of my practice.
After graduating medical school with Cum Laude honors and membership in the Alpha Omega Alpha honorary fraternity in 2002, I went to Riverside Methodist Hospital for a one year, general internship, followed by my dermatology residency at Ohio State Medical Center, where I graduated and completed by board certification in Dermatology in 2006.
Northeast Dermatology has been my home since graduation, and I’m very proud of the practice that we have built and grown. I also spent 15 years at the VA Medical Center as an assistant clinical professor for the OSU dermatology residents. I continue to love teaching, and It would not be unusual to see me in the halls discussing cases with a resident or medical student.
I am happily married and have two teenage daughters at home whose activities dominate most of my time out of the office. When I do find time, I love to stay active, especially in the outdoors. Fly fishing, boating, and hiking are some of my favorite activities. Racket sports, particularly tennis and platform tennis, help me scratch my competitive itch year round.
I am honored and humbled by the trust that my patients have placed in me, and I’m always conscious of the empathy required to maintain that trust. My passion has always been clinical medicine; making a real difference in the quality of my patients’ everyday lives through preventative, medical, and surgical interventions. The cosmetic procedures that I recommend and perform are time tested and deliver predictable results worthy of investment. Our patients can count on us to provide value and cutting edge care, free of fads and hype.