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Microblading is a procedure rapidly growing in popularity. It’s for men and women with thinning eyebrows who would like to have thicker appearing eyebrows. Microblading is a semi-permanent tattooing technique that involves making small, thin cuts in the skin with a hand tool. The selected colored pigment is then pushed into the cuts in the skin to produce a semi-permanent tattoo that mimics natural hair strokes. The procedure is typically performed to create or enhance the appearance or color of the eyebrows.

> Bleharoplasty (Eye Lift)

> Botox®/Jeuveau®

> Chemical Peels

> CoolSculpting

> CO2 Laser Resurfacing

> Cryotherapy (CO2 Slush)

> Dermal Fillers (Soft Tissue Augmentation)

> Earlobe Reduction

> Fat Transfer

> Hair Transplant and Platelet Rich Plasma (Tru-PRP)

> Intense Pulse Light / Photofacial (IPL)

> Kybella® (Deoxycholic Acid) Injection

> Lasers

> Laser Hair Removal

> Minimal Incision Facelift

> miraDry

> Nipple Reduction Surgery

> O-Shot (Orgasm Enhancement)

> Sclerotherapy

> secretRF (Non-surgical Facial Resurfacing)

> Titan

> Tru-PRP (Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma

> Tumescent Liposuction / Tummy Tuck

Financing Available*

Ready to Get Started?

Microblading differs from typical tattooing, which is done by a reciprocating machine containing bundles of needles. In microblading, each stroke is created individually by the artist’s hand utilizing a small blade and the pigment is placed more superficially in the upper dermis, allowing it to fade more quickly. Adjustments or redesign of the brows may be performed as aging affects the face or trends change. Conversely, traditional tattooing with needles deposits pigment deeper in the dermis and the pigment globules are too large to be cleared by the immune cells of the body, resulting in a permanent design. With microblading, the enhancement is more subtle with some normal skin left within the eyebrow creating a more natural appearance.

The initial microblading session may be performed in about an hour-long procedure typically only requiring topical numbing medication. Some of the color may be removed in the healing process as small scabs produced by the procedure are shed. Therefore, a small touch-up session is recommended after approximately 1-2 months and the results may last for 1-3 years. Additional touch-up sessions may be required every 12-24 months.

Various techniques and enhancements may be added to the basic microblading procedure to further enhance the eyebrows. These can be discussed with your microblading artist.

You can schedule appointments with our microblading artist to discuss their desired needs and outcome. It may be advisable to bring a younger photo of yourself with the eyebrows you desire to share with the artist. The artist might sketch out a template with you to show the expected starting point, arch, height, endpoint, etc. of the planned brows prior to performing any procedure. This way, you’ll have a very good idea of what the appearance of the finished outcome will be.

After treatment, you’ll need to be sure to keep the treated area completely dry of water or perspiration for one week following the procedure to avoid some of the superficially

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